Body odor is identical with the smell of armpits. As a man it is bad to have body odor, and make us so insecure.
Actually, body odor, occurs because the sweat out of the armpit area. So we should be extra clean and care for her.
Because histologically, the armpit has many glands. That is why my armpits are always more moist than the other limb ,,,,!
How are we to prevent and deal with sweat and body odor ...?
1. Many cleaned up with a shower at least 2 times a day. Because bathing is safe and inexpensive way.
2. Clean the armpit,
Because of armpit odor is the beginning of that body. Clean the armpit in the shower, after shower, dry with a towel or other tissue and the like.
3. Change clothes on.
Try to change underwear, and clothes clean eraser day.
4. Use deodorant.
If you want to use deodorant, antiperspirant containing select, because this type of deodorant dry up and stop functioning underarm sweat.
5. Use perfume.
Wear perfume so that the body is more fragrant and fresh.
6. Shaving underarm hair.
Do not forget to shave and trim my underarm hair, as long armpit hair will become a den of germs that cause body odor.
So much just tips of my body healthy, fresh and avoid the smell will add a plus for us, let alone a man.
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